Common Branding Mistakes (and Solutions)


When you’re trying to position yourself in a saturated industry, having confidence in your brand and being able to articulate exactly who you are becomes even more important. Imagery is a key piece of the puzzle, as is consistency in design elements and a strong social presence. Your branding is multifaceted, no doubt. But what’s perhaps your best tool for communicating your brand to couples looking to connect with someone who meets their specific needs? Your website! And the words on it, in particular.

Wedding industry copywriter Taylor Griffith of LT Editorial chatted with us about the most common mistakes she sees on creative entrepreneurs’ websites. These were our takeaways. Be sure to catch our interview with Taylor on IGTV!

Mistake #1: Selling your industry, but not yourself.

Solution: In Taylor’s words, you don’t need to convince a bride she needs a dress. Convince her to get her dress from your boutique.

No matter which niche of the wedding industry you’re a part of, there’s no need for your website (or your social channels, for that matter) to talk extensively about the benefits of that niche. Brides know they need photography, florals, a dress, invitations. That’s why they’ve already landed on your site! Now, it’s your job to sell them on you.

Mistake #2: Trying to appeal to everyone.

Solution: As the saying goes, you could be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, but some people still won’t like peaches. Don’t water yourself down to appeal to anyone who likes fruit. You’re a peach! Own it!

Okay, enough of the fruit analogy – but you get the idea! Taylor advises the copy on your website speak with the goal of connecting with one person: your ideal client! Don’t be afraid to get specific about who you love to serve and what you love to create. Doing so will only help connect you with the right clients.

Mistake #3: Hiding your individuality.

Solution: Couples want to work with you because of YOU. Be yourself and tell them why you’re different.

Couples don’t want to just hire companies to work with them on the biggest day of their lives – they want to work with people. People they can be friends with, at that. Do not be afraid to share about the things that make you, you. Set yourself apart! No need to sound stiff or formal, either (unless formal is your vibe). Use words and language that you would use in everyday conversation if you were talking to someone face-to-face. Your website copy, and your About page in particular, is a chance to show clients who you really are so they can get to know exactly who they’re hiring.

Communicating effectively through copy that enhances and solidifies your brand can go a long way in connecting you with couples who want exactly what you have to offer. That’s a win for everyone! Did you love Taylor’s advice? Check out @wedsociety on Instagram for more helpful content like this!
